Monday Musings 7.8.13

I don’t ever want to lose sight of the wonder and awe the world provides. The little things that make life so incredibly awesome.awe

Getting my day started this morning, I was tired. Mondays after a long weekend are not on my list of favorite things. As I stepped out of my car this morning I realized two things. One, I had a toothpaste spot on my shirt (classy.) Two, I get to spend my days on one of the most incredible, beautiful college campuses in the world! I am afforded the opportunity to spend my time in a place that people dream about getting to.

For me, it is easy to get caught up in the lie that I haven’t “succeeded” because I have built a life in the city I grew up in. This is probably an odd thought to some and seeing it in writing makes me feel silly, but it’s a thought that I have held as a “truth” for longer than I care to admit. The girl that spent years dreaming of getting out of “this place” has slowly come to see and understand that “this place” is actually pretty awesome. (For more on this jacked thought process and how I kicked it, you can click here.)

This Monday morning I welcomed the realization that be-bopped into my brain, reminding me of the wonder and awe that awaits me everyday.

Cheers, Dez

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