About Me

Jesus Girl | Wife | Mamma | Dog-Mom | Truth Teller

Hi, I’m Desireé but the people closest to me call me Dez. I wear my heart on my sleeve, have a terrible poker face and I believe people are inherently good. I fell in love with the amazing city of Rome when I lived there and New York City captivates me with intrigue. I am a Jesus Girl and love Him with my entire being… in the same breath, sometimes my humanity shows through and I lust after aviator sunglasses, glamorous stilettos, and delicious sushi. A true paradox and the epitome of being human. ❤️

Hubbz, My Champion: I’m married to a supah-fly Italian man who shaves his head and rocks the sexiest beard on the planet. We met at a gym when I was 19 and he was 27… one look in his ocean blue eyes and I was toast. He is the funniest, most loyal, compassionate man of integrity that I have ever met, and he loves me with fierce-intensity and a valiant heart. He leads our home and family well because he allows our God to direct his steps. He is the belayer to my metaphorical rock climber ways and my life is better because of him.

Our Son: After a long journey with infertility (you can read our story through my blog) Hubbz and I created the most amazing little human ever. On a beautiful October day, our God placed a miracle into our arms. Our son is proof that a Mama’s heart really can beat outside of her body. He is also proof that we serve an incredible God who offers abundantly more than we can ask or imagine. He is the most amazing kid I have ever met and I am basically obsessed with him in the best way possible. He is 1000 times cooler than I could ever hope to be. Lui é il mio sole, la mia luna e tutte le mie stelle. For this child I have prayed and the Lord has given me that which I have asked of him. 1 Samuel 1: 27

My Fur-Baby: Is it weird to have a section for your dead dog on your about me page? Yes, probably, but I own the possible weirdness because I loved her so. ✨ I had a 5 lb. Maltese, Bella Ricotta. Yes, her name literally meant beautiful cheese. Her name is what happens when you relinquish middle name veto power to lock down incontrovertible rights to the first name. Despite her name and incontinence issues, she had the confidence of Rin-Tin-Tin. Her slight identity crises never bothered her though – she was sure of the fact that she was the boss. My tiny fur-ball of energy taught me more in 14 years about responsibility, unconditional love and pure acceptance than I could have learned in a lifetime of lessons. She was a gigantic part of my 20’s and early 30’s and she knew all my secrets. She was a complete Diva and I couldn’t have loved her more.

Our Fur-Baby: June of 2024, our family got a puppy because, well, it was just time. She is a Phantom F1B Bernedoodle and we are obsessed… yes, even Hubbz. Her name is Baci Benedica because we are Italian and it’s super appropriate. A Baci (pronounced Ba-Chi) candy is the Italian version of the American Hershey Kiss. Benedica means blessing… she’s basically our little “blessed kiss”. She has her own Insta because I’m a little extra like that. You can follow all of her adventures @BacitheBernedoodle

CheersDez cursiveslope