Monday Musings 11.25.13

Be Still.

7 months ago this became my mantra. It was my hymn, my chant, my affirmation. It has now become my testimony and the words that I built my life on. Two little words have changed the course of lifetimes and now, they have taken root in mine. Jesus did this when he knelt and drew in the dirt. He paused. I wonder in that moment what he drew? Was he buying time? Did he take a deep breath? Did he pray to the Father?


At times when the stories we call our lives reach their climax and we have a choice to make. The moment before we speak a harsh word that cannot be taken back. The instant before the action that we can’t undo. The Spirit invites us, most of the time in a small whisper that we need to strain our ears just to hear. He invites nonetheless us to Be Still. In the stillness we find His Divine Mercy. His Breathtaking Grace. His Unconditional Love. Through these we are able to live like Him. In the stillness we are saved from our own self-fulfilling sin. In the stillness we are set free.

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. Exodus 14:14

Cheers to the Stillness, Dez

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